Thursday, December 27, 2012

ELA Student Glossary 8th Grade Terms

Materials needed: colored paper for the cover, 10-15 sheets of notebook paper, stapler, and decorative duct tape :)

In the beginning of the school year I have my students make a mini student glossary. About once a week we add terms to the glossary relating to the topic we are focusing on at the moment. Each term is complete with examples we relate to our class novel or short stories we are familiar with. All the terminology will be useful for upcoming state tests, next year's LA class, and just to use as a quick reference guide.

Terms Used This Year:

  • simile
  • metaphor
  • theme
  • foreshadowing
  • credibility
  • open-ended questions
  • inference
  • connotation
  • denotation
  • plot structure (exposition, complication, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution)
  • character types (protagonist, antagonist, flat, round, static, dynamic, etc.)
  • alliteration
  • symbolism
  • oxymoron
  • suspense
  • irony (verbal, situational, dramatic)
  • allusion
  • idiom
  • conflict in literary work
  • tone
  • mood
  • ...more to come!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Cay by Theodore Taylor

During a long term position I got to read The Cay as a class. It's a really good read (for the 6th grade) and there was something I thought I would give a try NEXT time I get the opportunity to do this book in class.

I would plan on dividing the class into "Teams" and doing "Team Activities" throughout the book. Here is a preliminary plan for this novel unit (just team signs and activities for now!)

This is the overview of the Team Challenges

Team Signs, I plan to Laminate these and place them on their desk/tables before we begin the novel

More The Cay activities to come! I love this book!


Monday, February 6, 2012

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

I got this idea while subbing at a middle school. The 6th graders were reading Roll of Thunder and their teacher played the role of narrator while assigning speaking roles to students. This works really well for this book! Later, I had the opportunity to use this in a classroom during a long-term subbing position.

Roll of Thunder "actor cards"

Students can either be randomly assigned a speaking role (using what I call their "actor cards") or volunteer for a speaking role. There are 12 chapters so plenty of opportunity for every student to have a chance to "act"! Simply place the "actor card" on the students desk during classroom reading. It helps to keep everything organized as well as keep the student on task!

Unfortunately I do not have these cards available for download, I lost the file :(
I do, however, have the list of chapters each character has a speaking role.

Stacey Logan: all
Papa Logan: 2, 7-12
Little Willie: 4,8
Little Man: all except ch. 5
Melvin Simms: 4, 10, 11
Mrs. Berry: Ch. 4
Sheriff: 11
Mae Turner: 4
Big Ma: all except 1 & 11
Mr. Granger: ch 7 & 8
Mama Logan: all except 5 and 11
Claude Avery: ch. 8
Mr. Barnett: ch. 5
R.W. Simms: ch. 10
Mr. Turner: Ch. 4
Kaleb Wallace: ch 4, 10, 11
Cassie Logan: all
Christopher-John: all except 5
Mr. Jamison: ch. 7,9,11,12
Mr. Grimes: ch. 3
Miss Crocker: ch 1 & 8
Mr. Morrison: 2, 4, 7-10, 12
Uncle Hammer: 6, 7, 10
Thurston Wallace: 11
Mr. Simms: 5, 8
Mr. Lanier: 2 & 9
May Lou: 1
Mrs. Silas Lanier: 2
T.J. Avery: all except 2 and 12
Jeremy Simms: 1,3,5,7-10,12
Mr. Avery: 2,3,9
Lillian Jean: 5,8
Mrs. Avery: 2, 11

I hope that covers everything :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Reading Incentive Scratch Cards!

Anytime I was given the opportunity to scratch and win, I took it. I do not play the lottery, but I did not hesitate to buy a scratch ticket on my 18th birthday! Scratch and Win is ALWAYS fun and I wanted to bring this into the classroom. I got this idea from pinterest and made it my own.

These are my "Reading Incentive" scratch cards!
Just place contact paper OVER cardstock paper, mix acrylic paint with dishwasher liquid. It will take a few layers of paint to cover the words completely!
I plan to pass out the incentive cards when students are performing beyond expectations such as doing extra enrichment activities, exceeding the reading goals, and always being prepared for reading class.

My prizes range from: Stickers, a Supply Baggie (fun school supplies), Bag of Book Worms (we looove candy!), V.I.P. seating in classroom, extra credit points, a homework pass, and the gift of a free book! Naturally some options have a higher chance of being picked, but the student is a winner every time!

Pizza Pie Plots

I took this idea from a teacher at my old middle school. She is soo creative! I wanted to create an example of this plot pizza to keep in my files. I think this project is fun and will let students' creative juices flow!
There are 8 slices. Slices 1-5 are important plot points. #6 is dedicated to the setting. #7 is the recommendation slice. #8 can be the student's choice! I made a slice showing each family member's special savvy.