This Fall we finished our first literature circles. I'd say it was fairly successful! This year was trial and error considering it was the first time for everything! I took this idea from another teacher and made it my own to tie in with the unit. Each literature circle completed a puzzle poster that tied elements of the story together. This is a great project that doesn't require all of the project to be completed in class, students simply take their puzzle piece home with them to work on it!
The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi |
The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer |
Life as We Knew It by Susan Pfeffer |
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins |
- title piece with author and group names
- plot diagram
- favorite quotes with explanation
- main character(s) bio
- essential vocabulary (works well with science fiction and fantasy)
- favorite scene with explanation
- figurative language
- student choice
- book critique